Records Officer Monthly Report – February 2024

1 March 2024

Welcome to the February report of the 2023/24 shooting season.

February saw another busy month for the club with archers obtaining a number of awards, and recognition in the DCAS Indoor Championship. Keep up the great work everyone.

Club Records

Having reviewed a number of shooting record cards, the following new club records have been set and certificates have been awarded:

  • Jonathan Ward – Men’s Barebow:
    • Bray I – Score 213 (Previous score 198)
  • Jill Hudson – Ladies Longbow:
    • Bray I – Score 103 (Previous score 98)
    • Frostbite – Score 163 (Previous 97)
  • Neill White – Men’s 50+ Longbow
    • Frostbite – Score 268 (Previous 264)
  • Alex Rowe – Men’s Senior Recurve:
    • WA 18 (Single Face) – Score 547 (previous score 544)
    • Bray I – Score 279 (previous score 276)


The following Classification levels have been achieved, and badges are in the process of being awarded under the new Archery GB Classification Scheme:

  • Alex Rowe – Indoor Bowman 1st Class, this is the highest classification able to be awarded by the club, well done Alex.
  • Jill Hudson – Indoor Bowman 2nd Class
  • Paul Mattock – Indoor Bowman 2nd Class
  • Mark Nightingale – Indoor Bowman 3rd Class
  • Francesca Canale-Dow – Indoor Archer 1st Class
  • Dominic Dalton – Indoor Archer 1st Class
  • Mark Downing – Indoor Archer 2nd Class

More information on indoor & outdoor rounds and classification can be found here, or speak to me on a shooting night. You can start to shoot outdoor classification rounds once you have achieved your 20 yard 252 (outdoor) or AGB Progress award (indoor & outdoor), and start working towards your first Archer Classification.

Progress and 252 Awards

Badges were awarded to the following archers:

  • Gordon Thornton (Recurve) – Indoor AGB Blue award
  • Laurence Nairne (Barebow) – Indoor AGB Gold award
  • Finley Melia (Recurve) – Indoor AGB Gold award
  • Dominic Dalton (Longbow) – Indoor AGB White award & 20yd 252 award
  • Samantha Dalton (Longbow) – 20yd 252 award
  • Summer Kerchey (Recurve) – Indoor AGB White award
  • Millie Kerchey (Recurve) – Indoor AGB White award

More information on the two progress schemes, including the AGB Indoor Progress awards, can be found here, or speak to me at one of our club sessions.


February saw the club take part in the fourth of five rounds of the two DCAS postal competitions, Portsmouth and Frostbite. Yelverton Bowmen were also the hosts of the 46th annual DCAS Indoor Championships.

DCAS Portsmouth Winter Postal League 2023/2024

The club has entered the following teams into the DCAS Winter Postal Leagues:

  • Three Senior Recurve/Barebow teams
  • One Senior Compound team
  • One Senior Longbow team
  • One Junior Mixed Style team

There are three archers per team, and the club will collate the scores in descending order and the highest scores will be entered each month. Scores will need to be submitted on a club score sheet and signed as indicated. The rules for the competition can be found on the DCAS Postal Competitions page, and the associated score sheet on the Club Score Sheets page. Submission of a score sheet also gives you the opportunity to earn a Portsmouth Badge.

The following scores were submitted by members of the club and as you can see from the results below the club performed exceptionally well:

In February we again had 5 wins and 1 loss. This is a fantastic achievement by all those who shot.

Well done to all those who submitted score sheets, please keep this up. Please remember this is open to all club members, so please take time to submit an entry to me because even if your score is not used it could count towards your next badge.

  • Senior Recurve/Barebow Team A – Remain in 1st place in Division 4
  • Senior Recurve/Barebow Team B – Moved up to 2nd place in Division 5
  • Senior Recurve/Barebow Team C –  Remain in 2nd place in Division 6
  • Compound Team – Have dropped to 3rd place in Division 2
  • Longbow team – Remain in 2nd place in Division 2
  • Junior U16 Mixed – Remain in 1st place in Division 2

The following archers were awarded Portsmouth Badges:

  • Sarah Watson – 500
  • Francesca Canale-Dow – 475

A document containing all of the submitted scores can be found here.

DCAS Frostbite Winter Postal League 2023/2024

As with the Portsmouth League there are three archers per team, and the club will collate the scores in descending order and the highest scores will be entered each month. Scores will need to be submitted on a club score sheet and signed as indicated. The rules for the competition can be found on the DCAS Postal Competitions page, and the associated score sheet on the Club Score Sheets page.

  • One Senior Compound team
  • Two Senior Recurve/Barebow teams
  • One Senior Longbow team
  • One Senior Mixed Non-Compound team
  • One Junior Mixed Non-Compound team

The following scores were submitted by members of the club and as you can see from the results below the club performed reasonably well:

In February we won in three and lost in three divisions. Once again thank you for your scores, please keep this up, and lets see if we can get some junior scores in for the final month.

  • Senior Compound Team – Have dropped from 3rd to 4th place in Division 1
  • Senior Recurve/Barebow Team A – Have moved up from 3rd to 1st place in Division 2
  • Senior Recurve/Barebow Team B – Remain in 1st place in Division 3
  • Senior Longbow Team – Remain in 2nd place in Division 2
  • Senior Mixed Non-Compound Team  –  Remain in 5th place in Division 1
  • Junior U16 Mixed Non-Compound Team  – Remain in 3rd place in Division 1

Furthermore, Neill White has increased his highest Gents Longbow Score to 268 (264 shot in the November round), well done Neill.

The following Frostbite badges were awarded:

  • Andrew Axworthy increased from 315 to 330
  • John Pengilley – Increased from 225 to 250
  • Andrew Howie – Increased from 200 to 250
  • Stan Axworthy – 225
  • Mic Richards – 225
  • Jill Hudson – 150

A document containing all of February’s scores can be found by clicking this link and the full results table can be found here.

Please don’t forget that there are still two rounds left in these competitions so there is still time to take part.

Bray 1 League

Running alongside the DCAS Portsmouth Postal and Frostbite Postal Competitions we are currently running a new internal club competition which will continue until the end of March.

Full details of the indoor season long competition can be found here. A results table will be updated monthly.

With one month to go Steve Millard remains in first place, Paul Horsley in second and Jonathan Ward is now in third place.

DCAS 46th Open Indoor Championships

On Sunday the 25th of February 2024, more than 70 archers from across Devon, Cornwall and wider afield mustered at the YMCA in Plymouth for the Devon and Cornwall Archery Societies 46th Open Indoor Championship. Archers shot WA18m rounds over two sessions at this UK Record Status event, hosted by Yelverton Bowmen.

Whilst 18 clubs were represented in total, Yelverton Bowmen fielded 23 archers; almost 1/3 of the field, and shooting in all bow categories.

A great day was had by all those who took part and Yelverton Bowmen archers won several categories and medalled in all bow types.

Jenny Kerchey was the Lady Paramount for the event and handed out all of the trophies and medals.

The full tournament results can be found on IANSEO.

The full report for the event can be found here on the club website.

Thank you to all those who gave up their time to help and well done to all archers who took part!

John Pengilley,
Records Officer, Yelverton Bowman