25 February 2024
On Sunday the 25th of February 2024, more than 70 archers from across Devon, Cornwall and wider afield mustered at the YMCA in Plymouth for the Devon and Cornwall Archery Societies 46th Open Indoor Championship. Archers shot WA18m rounds over two sessions at this UK Record Status event, hosted by Yelverton Bowmen.
Whilst 18 clubs were represented in total, Yelverton Bowmen fielded 23 archers; almost 1/3 of the field, and shooting in all bow categories.
A great day was had by all those who took part and Yelverton Bowmen archers won several categories and medalled in all bow types.
Jenny Kerchey was the Lady Paramount for the event and handed out all of the trophies and medals.
The full tournament results can be found on IANSEO, the following section summarises the clubs results:
Yelverton Bowmen club members ensured the success of the event on the day by providing full support to the DCAS organisers and judging team, as well as running a significant raffle. This was further supported by a group of members who took time out from shooting at club nights to overhaul all of the target bosses etc. Your support to this event is greatly appreciated and was warmly recognised by Ann Gillbanks (DCAS Tournaments Officer) for ensuring that the day ran so smoothly.
Thank you to all those who gave up their time to help and well done to all archers who took part!
20 August 2023
Three Yelverton Bowmen archers gained entry into the Exmouth Archers hosted tournament between the 19th and 20th of August.
Iain Lees braved the early conditions on the Saturday in the Compound WA50 round and scoring a respectable 500 which earned him a White WA target badge. Results from day one can be found on Ianseo.net.
Sunday saw Linda Wright and Neill White join Iain to shoot the WA1440 rounds.
Conditions were somewhat better than the previous day with early rain giving way to sunshine in the afternoon and a packed shooting line with over 70 archers taking part.
Iain shot again a highly respectable 1154 in the Men’s Compound WA1440 and gained another 2 awards of the Black Star 1100 WA badge and a Blue DCAS FITA star – well done !
Linda came in 2nd in the Ladies Barebow WA1440 with 599 points and Neill managed 3rd in the Men’s Longbow WA1440 with a qualifying MB 50+ score of 473. Results from the second day can also be found on Ianseo.net.
It was another “good day out” for Yelverton Bowmen so hope to see more of us on the shooting line soon.
The next competition is the DCAS Autumn Gold hosted at Redruth Archers.
29 May 2023
To celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III Yelverton Bowmen will be hosting an internal completion to give all members the opportunity to win a Bronze, Silver or Gold medal.
The competition will run between Friday 5th May and Friday 25th August 2023, to give all club members the opportunity to take part.
21 January 2023
The DCAS 45th Open Indoor Championships will be held on the 26th February 2023 on our home ground at the YMCA Plymouth. Members can enter via the DCAS website or by completing the application form we have emailed you.
4 December 2022
Kyrton Archer are running their Winter warmer competition in January 23. See their website for details