10 November 2019
Welcome to the (slightly late, Simon’s fault) October Report. As expected, Indoor season has picked up, with the number of indoor classifications earned and regained spiking.
You can still pursue outdoor classifications and 252s on Sundays, as the outdoor season officially ends in December. I’ll need all outdoor scorecards filled in and given to me by then, so I can calculate end-of-year handicaps, etc.
The Postal Leagues begin soon (Friday 1st for Indoor/Portsmouth and Sunday 3rd for Outdoor/Frostbite), as does the inaugural Grand Prix (the first round is a WA18, with scores to be shot on Tuesday 5th or Friday 8th only – unless approved by me in advance). Please ensure you get your scores into me as soon as possible and on official score sheets. Just as a heads up, the December round for the Grand Prix is a WA25, so if you are taking part, make sure you get a 25m sight mark in advance.
If you are unsure about anything, feel free speak to me in person or via the club email or Facebook page.
Here’s what members achieved in October.
Tables with the required scores for classifications can be found here.
An updated version of the 252 score sheet has been added to the 252 page on the website. This has two score tables per page, reducing paper usage. Ideally both successful attempts at a given distance will be on a single sheet. Please switch to using this new sheet as soon as possible. A new example photograph of a completed sheet has also been added.
Details of the 252 scheme can be found here.
The most recent tables of club records can be found here.
Darren Bennion shot at the two day Exmouth Archers Open Field Shoot, which included the DCAS and GWAS Championship on the second day. Day one was the Unmarked round, where he placed sixth and set a club record. Day two was the Marked round and he improved his result to second on the day, also setting a club record for the two day event. In the end, he came third overall for the weekend, second in the GWAS Championship and he won the DCAS Championship.
Take a look at the DCAS events calendar and see if there are any competitions you fancy trying. Indoor season is a great opportunity to try a competition, as the distances are obviously a lot shorter. If in doubt, speak to the hosting club’s tournament organiser.
If you attend (or are planning to attend) a competition, please let me know (and add the round to your score card!). Also, let me know if you earn any badges (Roses, Stars, etc) or if you manage to attain the lofty ranks of Master Bowman and Grand Master Bowman.
Thus ends the Records Report for October. Please let me know if there are any errors, omissions, etc and I hope that you continue to provide me with material to put into these reports. If you don’t want to be mentioned in reports, please let me know.