2 June 2019
Welcome to the May Report. Outdoor season has properly got underway with people attending competitions and pushing for 252s and classifications.
At Grand Day, I was presented with certificates and badges for our winning teams from the Winter Postals. The top three contributing archers from the winning teams received a DCAS badge and the club received a certificate. Congratulations to James Baker, Simon Bench and Iain Lees (Portsmouth B Team), plus James Baker, Jonathan Ingram (yes I’m congratulating myself) and Alister Smith (Frostbite A Team).
Additionally, Alister Smith achieved the highest Longbow score in our Frostbite division with 229. Marcus Yeoman did the same for the Portsmouth Compound division with a score of 598. Both received a certificate and a badge.
Congratulations to all who took part in the postals.
At the same time as this report goes out, there is now a new page on the website dedicated to explaining how the 252 Scheme works and the required scores. There is also a new version of the 252 scoresheet, the link to which is on the 252 page. There are likely to be some of the old format lying around but, once these are gone, could everybody please switch to the new one.
With the outdoor season into full swing, the gains and regains have started to come in:
Members continue to progress through the 252 scheme:
These are the club records achieved during May. Congratulations to all.
Five of our members attended the DCAS Grand Day at the start of the month. The morning session was a two-way Longbow National, in which Alister Smith came 10th and Jim Start came 15th. The afternoon session was a conventional National for all bow types and our members placed as follows:
Jonathan Ingram and Marcus Yeoman attended the Redruth Double WA720 the week after Grand Day. Jonathan came 8th in Gents Recurve, setting club records for the single and double WA70 and earning his White FITA Target badge. Marcus won the Gents Compound and set club records for the single and double WA50. These are possibly also higher level records.
Marcus attended Exmouth Archers’ York shoot mid-month and came 2nd, only missing out on the win by a gold count.
Marcus attended Brixham Archers’ ‘Open Rose’ York shoot at the end of the month and won.
Rob ‘Pasty’ Cain attended the NFAS 3D Championships in Newark at the end of the month and placed 29th in Gent’s Barebow on day one. Unfortunately he wasn’t able to shoot on day two.
Well done to all who competed during May and congratulations to those who came away with trophies and other awards.
Coming up next month Darren Bennion and Marcus Yeoman will be attending the UK Masters in Lillishall (in fact, they will have done so by the time this report is out). At the end of the month Alister, Bruce, Iain, Jonathan and Simon will be attending the Redruth Double American. Good luck to all members competing in June and keep an eye out in the next report for results.
If you attend (or are planning to attend) a competition, please let me know (and add the round to your score card!). Also, let me know if you earn any badges (Roses, Stars, etc) or if you manage to attain the lofty ranks of Master Bowman and Grand Master Bowman. Take a look at the DCAS events calendar and see if there are any competitions you fancy trying. If in doubt, speak to the tournament organiser.
Could I also take the opportunity to remind people to add any scored rounds to their scorecard and hand these in to me on a fairly regular basis. I think there may even be a couple of cards from the indoor season still to come to me (the indoor year officially ends on the 31st of June. Can I please have any indoor cards before then). Little and often is a lot easier for me to process (and quicker to hand out any badges), rather than everything at once.
Thus ends the Records Report for May. Please let me know if there are any errors, omissions, etc and I hope that you continue to provide me with material to put into these reports. If you don’t want to be mentioned in reports, please let me know.