Records Officer Report – June

8 July 2019

Welcome to the June Report. It’s been a quieter month, mainly due to that glorious British summer weather… can you feel the sarcasm? Despite the weather, our members have been pursuing their awards and attending competitions. Here’s what they’ve managed in June.

Outdoor Classifications

  • John Batten earned his 2nd Class.
  • Jamie Pruden earned his 3rd Class.
  • Oliver Pruden earned his 3rd Class.
  • Alister Smith earned his 1st Class for Longbow.

252 Scheme

Members continue to progress through the 252 scheme:

  • Andy Axworthy achieved 40 yards.
  • Sarah Watson achieved 30 yards.
  • Jenny Woodards achieved 40 yards.

Club Records

These are the club records achieved during June. Congratulations to all.

  • John Batten (Gentleman Barebow Master): Warwick – 241.
  • Jonathan Ingram (Gentleman Recurve Senior): Double American – 1414.
  • Oliver Pruden (Gentlemen Recurve Under 12): Short Metric V – 428.
  • Alister Smith (Gentleman Longbow Senior): Albion – 402.

Additional records from the Redruth Double American are likely but I’m waiting for the full results before I can confirm. Keep an eye out for a June report update.

Something I forgot to mention previously; Any new records will now be updated on the website monthly. Updates will be passed to the Webmaster around the same time as these reports, so check in the first week or so of each month if you are interested in seeing an accurate list.

Competition Results

  • Darren Bennion and Marcus Yeoman attended the UK Masters at the start of the month. On day one, Marcus qualified 26th and Darren was 35th.
    • Also on day one was the pairs qualification round. Marcus (with Adam Shaw) qualified 7th and Darren (with Matthew Wong) qualified 11th.
    • On Day two, there were head to head matches. Marcus finished joint 9th overall and Darren was joint 33rd.
    • Also on day two was the pairs head to heads. Marcus (with Adam Shaw) and Darren (with Matthew Wong) both finished in joint 9th.
  • Simon Bench, Bruce Cox, Jonathan Ingram, Iain Lees and Alister Smith braved the wind and rain (so much rain…) to attend the Redruth Double American at the end of the month:
    • Bruce set club records for the Recurve Master Single and Double American (to be confirmed).
    • Jonathan set a club record for the Double American.
    • Iain won a number of raffle prizes. As he likes to say “You can’t drink a medal!”.
    • Alister came 2nd in Gents Longbow and set club records for the Single and Double American (to be confirmed).

Alister is currently the only person whose position I can report on and Jonathan’s is the only confirmed record, as I have not seen the full results tables yet. I shall issue an update when they arrive.

Well done to all who competed during June and congratulations to those who came away with trophies and other awards.

Take a look at the DCAS events calendar and see if there are any competitions you fancy trying. If in doubt, speak to the tournament organiser.

If you attend (or are planning to attend) a competition, please let me know (and add the round to your score card!). Also, let me know if you earn any badges (Roses, Stars, etc) or if you manage to attain the lofty ranks of Master Bowman and Grand Master Bowman.

Thus ends the Records Report for June. Please let me know if there are any errors, omissions, etc and I hope that you continue to provide me with material to put into these reports. If you don’t want to be mentioned in reports, please let me know.