Great day for Yelverton Bowmen at the Brixham Open Rose Competition

29 May 2023

Five Yelverton Bowmen archers took to the field in the Brixham Open Rose Competition on Sunday 28th May. The constantly changing wind and hot conditions made it challenging for all competitors who took part in the well organised event. The event was attended by clubs all over Devon and Cornwall, and included a full range of experience levels from Archery GB team members to one person who had been shooting for 12 weeks. Despite the changeable wind conditions all of our archers performed very well.

Jamie Pruden shot a Recurve Men’s Bristol II Round and despite only having his new arrows for a few weeks managed to score 908, with 142 hits and 36 golds. This further cements Jamie’s current Archer 1st Class status.

John Pengilley shot a Recurve 50+ Men’s Bristol III Round, and scored 1036, with 144 hits and 49 golds. This has set a new club record, and gives John 12 dozen arrows towards his Bowman 3rd Class status.

Corey Richardson shot a Compound U21 Men’s National Round and scored 550, with 72 hits and 35 golds, this was particularly impressive when you consider that Corey was shooting on the same boss as one of the Archery GB team members. Corey was presented with a medal and achieved six dozen arrows towards his Archer Class 1 status.

Linda Wright shot a Barebow 50+ Women’s Bristol II Round and scored 662, with 134 hits and 13 golds. This saw Linda presented with a competition medal, as well as achieving Black Rose badge, and gives Linda 12 dozen arrows towards her Bowman 3rd Class status.

Finally, Neill White shot a Longbow 50+ Men’s Hereford/Bristol I Round and scored 561, with 11 hits and 13 golds. This was a fantastic score and saw Neill presented with a competition medal, as well as achieving a Purple Rose medal (which is the highest possible). It also gave Neill his first score towards Master Bowman status. But above all that it also means that Neill can submit a claim for an Archery GB 50+ National Record, which currently stands at 547. Well done Neill, and I am sure the whole club wishes you well with your claim.

Phil Gillbanks, one of the judges on the day, said that he was glad to see Yelverton Bowmen coming to more competitions, and it would be good to keep that going. So if attending these competitions interests you please follow this link to the DCAS website where you can find a list of this seasons competitions.

The full results for the competition can be found on Ianseo.