Easter Shoot

28 March 2018

Overview of the night

Yesterday the club held it’s first Easter themed shoot, organised by our rather eccentric Social Secretary Iain (yes he’s the rabbit).  From the amount of eggs consumed, bunnies shot and smiles on faces the evening was a great success. With the prospect of a full archery setup up for grabs the competition was fierce! Although many people did just keep going for the chocolate rewards!  By the end of the scored shooting everyone was on a suitably high enough sugar rush to warrant a round of balloon shooting to round off the night.



1st place -Alex Bennion


1st place – Linda Wright

2nd place – Jenny Woodards

Mixed Mens

3rd place – Marvin Doncaster

2nd place – Mike Coleman

1st place – Darren Bennion

What’s next

We enjoyed putting on the Easter shoot and it was really well received. We’re keen to provide more themed evenings for members so watch this space!

You can see all the photos from the night on Facebook