Committee changes and 252

16 July 2017

Committee changes

By now you may have heard that Richard has stepped down from the position of Chairman and Susie has stepped down from the position of Treasurer.  On behalf of the club I would like to thank them for the time they have volunteered to help with the successful running of the club.

After the EGM last Friday you’ll also see there are a few other changes on the Committee including the new role of “Development Officer” (more details to come).  You can see the new up to date committee list here.

The 252 Scheme

We’ve seen a great uptake on the 252 scheme since it started this year.  In fact you’ve probably seen people with their fancy badges already! The 252 scheme is a great way for any archer to evaluate their current ability, get sight marks for different distances and generally improve their archery.  The scheme has also had another affect, less time is now spent searching for arrows! By ensuring that you shoot at a distance that is appropriate to your skill level we have been able to fit in far more shooting and far fewer Seagull style field searches.

Owing to how well the scheme is going it has been decided that the 252 scheme will now become mandatory for all new club members who have not yet shot outdoors. Basically if you want to shoot a certain distance you must first achieve the 252 badge for the distance before that.  For example, if you want to shoot at 40 yards, you will need to have completed your 252 scores for 30 yards.

The 252 Scheme

20 May 2017

If you haven’t heard yet, our new Records Officer Darren is starting up a new 252 scheme for members.

What is it?

The 252 award scheme is designed to help you practice your shooting at different distances and have your achievements recognised. This is a scheme which is widely used throughout the country to not only help beginners, but for club archers looking to improve scoring and move up to the longer distances in a structured manner, which will ultimately improve your confidence and make you a better archer.

After 6 sighters, you shoot 3 dozen (36) arrows on a 122cm face at your chosen distance. The round can be shot at  20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80 or 100 yds with the aim of scoring 252 or better (that’s recurve, alternative scores apply for other bow types). If you achieve the score twice you can claim a badge.

The rules?

  • Standard Archery GB rules apply
  • Shooting Imperial, five zone scoring on a 122cm target face.
  • Round must be scored on a specific 252 score sheet at the club.
  • Six sighters to be followed immediately by three dozen (36) scored arrows.
  • Awards must be claimed in sequence. You can’t for example claim a 30 yard until  you have a 20 yard.
  • Scores need to be achieved twice to qualify for the award.
  • Only 1 qualifying score per day will be permitted.
  • To make an award claim, two signed, dated and witnessed score sheets need to be submitted to the club’s Records Officer.

The distances

Distance Recurve Compound Longbow Barebow
20 yards 252 300 164 189
30 yards 252 300 164 189
40 yards 252 300 164 189
50 yards 252 300  164 189
60 yards 252 300 164  189
80 yards  252 290 126  164
100 yards  252 280 101  139

Score sheets

The specific score sheets will be made available in a folder in the hut, however you can also grab a copy to print off here. Completed rounds will then be placed in the completed folder or handed to Darren directly.

Website update – Phase 1

15 March 2017

Tonight our website has taken another step towards providing a far better service for our members.  This update will simplify the process of adding and amending content, meaning I will no longer be the bottle neck on getting minor updates out.

There is far more left to do but if anybody experiences any issues with the new site in the meantime, please send an email to

Happy shooting!
