Records Officer Report – June

8 July 2019

Welcome to the June Report. It’s been a quieter month, mainly due to that glorious British summer weather… can you feel the sarcasm? Despite the weather, our members have been pursuing their awards and attending competitions. Here’s what they’ve managed in June.

Outdoor Classifications

  • John Batten earned his 2nd Class.
  • Jamie Pruden earned his 3rd Class.
  • Oliver Pruden earned his 3rd Class.
  • Alister Smith earned his 1st Class for Longbow.

252 Scheme

Members continue to progress through the 252 scheme:

  • Andy Axworthy achieved 40 yards.
  • Sarah Watson achieved 30 yards.
  • Jenny Woodards achieved 40 yards.

Club Records

These are the club records achieved during June. Congratulations to all.

  • John Batten (Gentleman Barebow Master): Warwick – 241.
  • Jonathan Ingram (Gentleman Recurve Senior): Double American – 1414.
  • Oliver Pruden (Gentlemen Recurve Under 12): Short Metric V – 428.
  • Alister Smith (Gentleman Longbow Senior): Albion – 402.

Additional records from the Redruth Double American are likely but I’m waiting for the full results before I can confirm. Keep an eye out for a June report update.

Something I forgot to mention previously; Any new records will now be updated on the website monthly. Updates will be passed to the Webmaster around the same time as these reports, so check in the first week or so of each month if you are interested in seeing an accurate list.

Competition Results

  • Darren Bennion and Marcus Yeoman attended the UK Masters at the start of the month. On day one, Marcus qualified 26th and Darren was 35th.
    • Also on day one was the pairs qualification round. Marcus (with Adam Shaw) qualified 7th and Darren (with Matthew Wong) qualified 11th.
    • On Day two, there were head to head matches. Marcus finished joint 9th overall and Darren was joint 33rd.
    • Also on day two was the pairs head to heads. Marcus (with Adam Shaw) and Darren (with Matthew Wong) both finished in joint 9th.
  • Simon Bench, Bruce Cox, Jonathan Ingram, Iain Lees and Alister Smith braved the wind and rain (so much rain…) to attend the Redruth Double American at the end of the month:
    • Bruce set club records for the Recurve Master Single and Double American (to be confirmed).
    • Jonathan set a club record for the Double American.
    • Iain won a number of raffle prizes. As he likes to say “You can’t drink a medal!”.
    • Alister came 2nd in Gents Longbow and set club records for the Single and Double American (to be confirmed).

Alister is currently the only person whose position I can report on and Jonathan’s is the only confirmed record, as I have not seen the full results tables yet. I shall issue an update when they arrive.

Well done to all who competed during June and congratulations to those who came away with trophies and other awards.

Take a look at the DCAS events calendar and see if there are any competitions you fancy trying. If in doubt, speak to the tournament organiser.

If you attend (or are planning to attend) a competition, please let me know (and add the round to your score card!). Also, let me know if you earn any badges (Roses, Stars, etc) or if you manage to attain the lofty ranks of Master Bowman and Grand Master Bowman.

Thus ends the Records Report for June. Please let me know if there are any errors, omissions, etc and I hope that you continue to provide me with material to put into these reports. If you don’t want to be mentioned in reports, please let me know.

Records Officer Report – May

2 June 2019

Welcome to the May Report. Outdoor season has properly got underway with people attending competitions and pushing for 252s and classifications.

Addendum to the April report

At Grand Day, I was presented with certificates and badges for our winning teams from the Winter Postals. The top three contributing archers from the winning teams received a DCAS badge and the club received a certificate. Congratulations to James Baker, Simon Bench and Iain Lees (Portsmouth B Team), plus James Baker, Jonathan Ingram (yes I’m congratulating myself) and Alister Smith (Frostbite A Team).

Additionally, Alister Smith achieved the highest Longbow score in our Frostbite division with 229. Marcus Yeoman did the same for the Portsmouth Compound division with a score of 598. Both received a certificate and a badge.

Congratulations to all who took part in the postals.

New 252 page on club website

At the same time as this report goes out, there is now a new page on the website dedicated to explaining how the 252 Scheme works and the required scores. There is also a new version of the 252 scoresheet, the link to which is on the 252 page. There are likely to be some of the old format lying around but, once these are gone, could everybody please switch to the new one.

Outdoor Classifications

With the outdoor season into full swing, the gains and regains have started to come in:

  • John Batten earned his 3rd Class.
  • Simon Bench earned his 2nd Class.
  • Jonathan Ingram regained his 1st Class.
  • Iain Lees earned his 2nd Class.
  • Alister Smith earned his 2nd Class for Longbow, having previously earned it for Recurve.
  • Jenny Woodards earned her 3rd Class.
  • Linda Wright earned her 1st Class.

252 Scheme

Members continue to progress through the 252 scheme:

  • Andy Axworthy achieved 30 yards.
  • Stan Axworthy achieved 20 yards.
  • Karen Ingram achieved 40 yards.
  • Iain Lees achieved 60 yards.
  • Jamie Pruden achieved 40 yards.
  • Alister Smith achieved 60 yards for his Longbow, having previously achieved it for Recurve.
  • Sarah Watson achieved 20 yards.
  • John Williamson achieved 30 yards.

Club Records

These are the club records achieved during May. Congratulations to all.

  • John Batten (Gentleman Barebow Senior + Master): Short National – 454.
  • Jonathan Ingram (Gentleman Recurve Senior): WA70 – 548, WA70 (double) – 1072.
  • Karen Ingram (Lady Barebow Senior + Master): American – 324, Bristol 2 – 443.
  • Alister Smith (Gentleman Longbow Senior): American – 480, Two Way National – 268/64hits/4golds, Warwick – 268.
  • Jenny Woodards (Lady Recurve Senior): Junior Warwick – 350.
  • Linda Wright (Lady Barebow Senior + Master): National – 351.
  • Marcus Yeoman (Gentleman Compound Senior): WA50 – 692, WA50 (double) – 1375. – Due to a recent rule change, there is also the possibility that Marcus’ Double WA50 score will be a record at various higher levels. We will need to wait and see though.

Competition Results

Five of our members attended the DCAS Grand Day at the start of the month. The morning session was a two-way Longbow National, in which Alister Smith came 10th and Jim Start came 15th. The afternoon session was a conventional National for all bow types and our members placed as follows:

  • Jonathan Ingram came 7th in Gents Recurve and won the ‘best gold’ trophy for Recurve.
  • Alister came 9th in Gents Recurve.
  • Simon Bench came 14th in Gents Recurve.
  • Jim Start won the Gents Barebow.
  • Linda Wright came 4th in Ladies Barebow.

Jonathan Ingram and Marcus Yeoman attended the Redruth Double WA720 the week after Grand Day.  Jonathan came 8th in Gents Recurve, setting club records for the single and double WA70 and earning his White FITA Target badge. Marcus won the Gents Compound and set club records for the single and double WA50. These are possibly also higher level records.

Marcus attended Exmouth Archers’ York shoot mid-month and came 2nd, only missing out on the win by a gold count.

Marcus attended Brixham Archers’ ‘Open Rose’ York shoot at the end of the month and won.

Rob ‘Pasty’ Cain attended the NFAS 3D Championships in Newark at the end of the month and placed 29th in Gent’s Barebow on day one. Unfortunately he wasn’t able to shoot on day two.

Well done to all who competed during May and congratulations to those who came away with trophies and other awards.

Coming up next month Darren Bennion and Marcus Yeoman will be attending the UK Masters in Lillishall  (in fact, they will have done so by the time this report is out).  At the end of the month Alister, Bruce, Iain, Jonathan and Simon will be attending the Redruth Double American. Good luck to all members competing in June and keep an eye out in the next report for results.

If you attend (or are planning to attend) a competition, please let me know (and add the round to your score card!). Also, let me know if you earn any badges (Roses, Stars, etc) or if you manage to attain the lofty ranks of Master Bowman and Grand Master Bowman. Take a look at the DCAS events calendar and see if there are any competitions you fancy trying. If in doubt, speak to the tournament organiser.

And finally

Could I also take the opportunity to remind people to add any scored rounds to their scorecard and hand these in to me on a fairly regular basis. I think there may even be a couple of cards from the indoor season still to come to me (the indoor year officially ends on the 31st of June. Can I please have any indoor cards before then). Little and often is a lot easier for me to process (and quicker to hand out any badges), rather than everything at once.

Thus ends the Records Report for May. Please let me know if there are any errors, omissions, etc and I hope that you continue to provide me with material to put into these reports. If you don’t want to be mentioned in reports, please let me know.

Records Officer Report – April

8 May 2019

Welcome to what I hope will be the first of many updates on the achievements of club members. I felt that, while we make announcements whenever somebody achieves something, the whole club doesn’t necessarily know about it, just those there on the day. Likewise, competition/league results don’t have as wide an audience as they could.

Some of the sections are fairly long, covering substantial periods. They will not be so in future but I wanted to be thorough and make it up to date.

Please provide feedback, so I can improve future reports. If anything is missing or if you don’t want to be mentioned in reports, please let me (Jon) know.

Winter Postal League and the Tavistock Trophy

As you’re hopefully aware, the club took part in the Winter Postals run by DCAS, which are divided into Portsmouth (indoors) and Frostbite (outdoors). The top three scores from each club formed a team (next three formed a 2nd team, etc) and faced other clubs over five months. We entered three teams for the Portsmouth postal (two Recurve and one Compound) and two teams for the Frostbite (no bowstyle distinctions). The results for our teams are as follows:

Portsmouth teams:

  • Recurve Division 3: ‘Yelverton Bowmen Team A’ came 2nd
  • Recurve Division 4: ‘Yelverton Bowmen Team B’ won the division,
  • Compound Division 1: ‘Yelverton Bowmen’ came 2nd

Frostbite teams:

  • Division 3: ‘Yelverton Bowmen Team A’ won the division
  • Division 3: ‘Yelverton Bowmen Team B’ came 2nd

Thank you to all who entered scores and congratulations to those who were part of the winning teams.
With two wins and three 2nd places, I believe this is the most successful postal year we’ve had. This shows that our members are getting better every year and we should be proud of that. We also have newer archers who are building up their skills and could very well contribute to next year’s leagues. I hope we do just as well, if not better in the 2019/20 season!

As usual we ran the Tavistock Trophy parallel to the Portsmouth Postals. The highest cumulative score over the five months in each category was awarded with a small trophy and bragging rights until the next indoor season.

This year our Webmaster, and general tech guru, Simon Bench designed and crafted a set of 3D printed trophies. Thanks go to him and we look forward to seeing next year’s version.

Congratulations to: Pasty Cain (Barebow), Bruce Cox (Recurve), Alister Smith (Longbow) and Marcus Yeoman (Compound).

If you want to see a more detailed breakdown of the Postal and Tavistock Trophy scores, let me know.

Indoor Classifications

The following are all the classifications earned by members during the 2018/19 indoor season. Congratulations to all.

  • Simon Bench, Bruce Cox, Marvin Doncaster, Iain Lees and Alister Smith regained their ‘D’ classification.
  • Jonathan Ingram regained his ‘C’ classification.
  • Darren Bennion and Marcus Yeoman regained their ‘A’ classification.
  • Stan Axworthy, Karen Ingram and Jim Start earned their ‘F’ classification.
  • Andy Axworthy, Jim Lakeman, Jamie Pruden, Sarah Watson and Linda Wright earned their ‘E’ classification.
  • James Baker, Holly Bench, Robert ‘Pasty’ Cain and Jenny Woodards earned their ‘D’ classification.
  • Martin Bawden earned his ‘C’ classification.

Outdoor Classifications

Since outdoor evenings have only recently started, there haven’t been many classification gains/regains yet. Those hardy individuals who continued to shoot outdoors on Sundays during the winter have had a head start:

  • Jim Lakeman regained his 3rd Class.
  • Karen Ingram earned her 2nd Class.

252 Scheme

From its introduction a couple of years ago, the 252 scheme has proven to be very successful, with all new members and many existing members progressing through the distances, demonstrating their increasing proficiency. The current standing for active members is as follows:

  • Bob Dakin (LB), Oliver Harris (R), Jim Lakeman (BB) and Brian Woodman (R) have achieved 20 yards.
  • Jamie Pruden (R), Jon Batten (R), Holly Bench (C), Jonathan Ingram (C), Karen Ingram (BB), Jenny Woodards (R) have achieved 30 yards.
  • Jim Lakeman (R), Iain Lees (R), Sharon Rostock (BB) and Shaun Rostock (BB) have achieved 40 yards.
  • Jon Batten (BB), Alister Smith (LB), James Baker (R), Simon Bench (R), Jim Start (BB+LB) and Linda Wright (BB) have achieved 50 yards.
  • Bruce Cox (R) and Jonathan Ingram (R) have achieved 60 yards.

Additionally in April, Alister Smith (R) achieved 60 yards and John Williamson (R) achieved 20 yards.

Club Records

This is a list of the club records that have been awarded since I took over Records Officer last April. The does not include the pre-2018 records I discovered during my overhaul. Please see the Club Records for anything before then, as well as the current (30/04/19) standing for all rounds.

  • Martin Bawden (Gentleman Recurve Master): Portsmouth (single face) – 562.
  • Simon Bench (Gentleman Recurve Senior): Bray 2 (single face) – 266.
  • Darren Bennion (Gentleman Compound Senior): Individual Match Round 50m (18 arrows) – 146, WA Field (24 Target Marked) – 380.
  • Darren Bennion (Gentleman Compound Master): Frostbite – 346, Individual Match Round 50m (18 arrows) – 146, Portsmouth (three spot) – 595, St George – 938, WA Field (24 Target Marked) – 380.
  • Robert ‘Pasty’ Cain (Gentleman Senior Barebow): Frostbite – 270.
  • Robert ‘Pasty’ Cain (Gentleman Master Barebow): Frostbite – 270, Portsmouth (single face) – 516, WA18 (single face) – 401.
  • Bruce Cox (Gentleman Recurve Master): Worcester – 246, Bray 1 (three spot) – 213, Bray 2 (three spot) – 230, Bray Combined (local round) (three spot) – 443.
  • Karen Ingram (Lady Barebow Senior): Short National – 210, Worcester (single face) – 101.
  • Karen Ingram (Lady Barebow Master): Short National – 210, Worcester (single face) – 101.
  • Jonathan Ingram (Gentleman Recurve Senior): Bray 1 (three spot) – 276, Bray 2 (thee spot) – 268, Bray Combined (single face) (new local round) – 520, Bray Combined (three spot) (new local round) – 544, Portsmouth (three spot) – 552, WA18 (three spot) – 511.
  • Jim Lakeman (Gentleman Recurve Senior): Short Metric 3 – 561.
  • Jim Lakeman (Gentleman Recurve Master): Short Metric 3 – 561, Short Western – 541.
  • Alister Smith (Gentleman Longbow Senior): Frostbite – 229, Portsmouth (single face) – 480, Portsmouth (double) (single face) – 864, WA18 (single face) – 352.
  • Alister Smith (Gentleman Recurve Senior): Bristol 2 – 1004.
  • Linda Wright (Lady Barebow Senior): Frostbite – 215, Portsmouth (single face) – 463, Short Warwick – 281, WA18 (single face) – 353.
  • Linda Wright (Lady Barebow Master): Frostbite – 215, Portsmouth (single face) – 463, Short Warwick – 281, WA18 (single face) – 353.
  • Marcus Yeoman (Gentleman Compound Senior): Bray 1 (single face) – 289, Portsmouth (three spot) – 598, Worcester (five spot) – 300, Worcester (double) (five spot) – 600.

Competition Results

This is as complete a list of results as I could compile. Starting on January 1st means a mix of indoor and outdoor results.

  • Marcus Yeoman attended the Brixham Clipper in January, where he came 1st in the Portsmouth and 2nd in the head to head.
  • As usual, we hosted the DCAS Indoor Championship on February 24th. Nine of our members took part, across five categories.
    • Simon Bench came 13th in Recurve Gents,
    • Iain Lees came 19th in Recurve Gents,
    • Darren Bennion came 3rd in Compound Gents,
    • Pasty Cain came 2nd in Barebow Gents. He also set the Masters club record,
    • Alister Smith came 16th in Recurve Gents and 6th in Longbow Gents. He also set the club record for the Longbow WA18,
    • Jim Start came 11th in Longbow Gents,
    • Andrew White came 4th in Compound Gents,
    • Linda Wright came 3rd in Barebow Ladies,
    • Marcus won the Compound Gents,
    • The team of Pasty Cain and Linda Wright came 2nd in the Barebow team,
    • The team of Darren Bennion, Andrew White and Marcus Yeoman won the Compound team.
  • Marcus attended the Newquay Bowmen Combined FITA (or WA Combined if you prefer) and won, setting club and county records.
  • Darren and Andrew attended the Royal Navy Indoor Championships at HMS Sultan in March. They came 1st and 2nd respectively.
  • Darren attended a marked WA Field round in April at Merlin Field Archers. He placed 4th and established a club record for that particular round.
  • Darren attended the Bath Archers Double 1440 in April. The first day was cancelled but the second day went ahead and Darren placed 3rd.
  • The first of the year’s national rankings were released on April 25th. Darren is placed 106th, with Marcus sitting in 21st.

Congratulations to all who competed.

Take a look at the DCAS events calendar and see if there are any competitions you fancy trying. If in doubt, speak to the tournament organiser.

If you attend a competition, please let me know how you get on, so I can share it with the club (and add the score to your records card!). Also, let me know if you earn any badges (Roses, Stars, etc) or if you manage to attain the lofty ranks of Master Bowman and Grand Master Bowman. For those unfamiliar with record status awards, I hope to have a dedicated page on the website in the near future.

Thus ends the inaugural Records Report. As I mentioned above (several times), please let me know if there are any errors, omissions, etc and I hope that members continue to provide me with material to put into these reports.
