Yelverton Bowmen Beginners Course

By submitting this form I agree to all the terms and conditions as defined in this form and I hereby apply to join.

Your Personal data as entered above may be retained by the club securely on computer systems for internal membership and records purposes only. Your joining paperwork will be held for 90 days following the completion date of the course. After this date, if you do not join the club, we will remove all your locally held contact information
Your Personal data as entered above may be retained by the club securely on computer systems for internal membership and records purposes only. Your joining paperwork will be held for 90 days following the completion date of the course. After this date, if you do not join the club, we will remove all your locally held contact information
For juniors under the age of 18 the Parent (or legal Guardian) must remain with their child during all archery sessions. It is the Parent’s (or legal Guardian’s) responsibility to inform the Club of any medical conditions which might affect their child during archery sessions. Minor physical contact may be necessary as part of coaching and the Parent (or legal Guardian) agrees to this. If a child persists in misbehaving, or acts in an unsafe manner, they may be asked to leave the course. Yelverton Bowmen Archery Club has adopted the Archery GB Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy to ensure peace of mind for both adults and children.